Beyond the classroom
At ISSR, learning does not stop once the lesson ends, we encourage and promote activities beyond scheduled lessons.
Students take part in various activities after lessons in all programmes.
DP Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is at the heart of the Diploma Programme. The idea of CAS is that students should learn by doing and by challenging themselves in new situations, a concept known as experiential learning.
There are around 30 CAS clubs at ISSR.
MYP and DP Extra Curricular Activities
ISSR runs extracurricular sports activities for students in grades 6 through to 12. The sports are free and open to all levels. The main sports are soccer and basketball, but other sports can also be accommodated according to demand. At present volleyball, badminton, table tennis, and cricket are popular.
We use professional coaches to supervise and organise sporting events and practice sessions. Other after school activities include choir, band, and chess.
PYP After-School Care (Fritids)
ISSR provides families with the opportunity to enroll children in the after-school care programme called Fritids. It is a service provided for students from PK to P5. Fritids is open Monday to Friday, until 17.30.
In ISSR, the Fritids team is led by the Fritids Co-ordinator and fritids teachers, who are predominantly the classroom assistants during the school day.
Fritids is intended to supplement the school day, providing students with meaningful play as well as learning opportunities that engage our students after official school hours. The activities provided in Fritids give students the chance to extend their learning, further develop their skills as well as nurture the well-being of our students.
Fritids in ISSR follows the Swedish fritids curriculum in which activities are designed to provide the various aspects of learning through
- language and communication
- physical activity and exercise
- nature and society
- crafts and creativity